Digital ArtsPublicity & Photoshop with Yoseemite !!
Will Photoshop work with Yosemite?
And will Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro or the other Adobe Creative Cloud apps also work with Mac OS X 10.10?
(C) By Neil Bennett | Digital Arts | 17 October 14
If you work with Adobe's Creative Cloud apps, should you download the free Mac OS X Yosemite? That's the question many creatives are asking today, after Apple made Mac OS X 10.10 available as a free download alongside its launch of new iPads and a 27-inch iMac with a 5K Retina Display last night.
In its Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) compatibility FAQ, Adobe says that all of its current Creative Cloud applications – including Photoshop CC 2014, Illustrator CC 2014, After Effects 2014, Premiere Pro 2014, InDesign et al – are already compatiblie with Yosemite without you needed to update.
Adobe also says that it's testedPhotoshop CC (14.2.1) and CS6 (13.0.6; 13.1.2) for compatibility and found them to work fine.
We wanted to test this for ourselves, so downloaded and installed Yosemite on an older 27-inch iMac and opened all of the key Creative Cloud 2014, Creative Cloud, CS6 and CS5 applications – and found no real issues.
Adobe CS5 and CS6 compatibility with Mac OS X Yosemite
The only additional step we needed to complete for Adobe's CS5 software was to download and install Java from Apple's website – as Apple no longer ships Java with OS X.
We'll continue testing and update this article with any issues we find.
Screenshot features photography from this tutorial by Tigz Rice: How to change hair colour in Photoshop: Lighten, Tint and create Ombre hair effects. # Lipon71 FCJ Bangladesh.